security forces continue to hide, “Mohamed Ahmed Abdul Hamid,” third year student at the Institute of the Tenth of Ramadan Faculty of Engineering, for the 1oth consecutive days.
Where as the response of his family that the last call between him and his father he told him: “that he will be at home in half an hour,” and that was on Tuesday, 28/7/2015 while he was in the civil registry in Tenth of Ramadan City, and that when he contacted his father later his father was surprised that he switched off his mobile phone, while they searched for him in all police stations and neighboring places but to no avail.
As the response of his family also, that the security forces had raided the house in this day promptly at 12:30, where they vandalized the contents of the house and stole some of his belongings and books, and is worth mentioning that the have moved to this house recently , which raised doubts about their son subjected to torture after he was kidnapped for the recognition of the place of residence and to charges did not commit.