Security forces kidnapped the student Mohammad Ibrahim Saadawy, the third stage student at faculty
of Medical Studies -Alfayoum University on Tuesday 4/8/2015, which came as a continue to the series
of the enforced disappearance, which became ordinary for the current authorities to commit. It
happened in front of faculty of engineering to lead him to unknown place, whether for his relatives or
his lawyer.
Freedom Seekers Monitor condemns the continuous policy of the enforced disappearance regarding
the Egyptian colleges and institutions’ students. It also calls for revealing the student’s place and it
considers the Security Forces as wholly responsible for his safety and health. These actions came as
a violation of the International chart for Rights and Freedoms, which states that” It is forbidden to
invocate under any condition, whether it was related to a case of war, threatening of war, absence of
inner or political settlement or any condition which justify the enforced disappearance.”