The Misdemeanor Court of Suez refused a case reconsideration request regarding the arbitration
against him with three years imprisonment and a 5 hundred pounds fine. The appeal was introduced
by the student’s Anas Salam defense entity -the student at the last stage of Industrial Education
faculty, Suez University- And, that was on Wednesday, 12/8/2015. The student was a member in the
executive board and foreign relations head in the Egyptian Student’s Union.
It was mentioned that the student was arbitrary arrested on Monday, 17/10/2014 from the foreground
of his university, which is considered as a violation of the law amidst a security crackdown the security
forces made at the beginning of this Academic year against the Egyptian college students. Which is
considered as a crystal clear violation of the current constitutionaconstitution, especially what the 54
subject states. Subject 54 indicates that personal freedom is a normal right and it cannot be touched
as it is preserved except in case of flagrante. And, nobody should be arrested, inspected, restricted or
imprisoned except after a judgmental decision requires investigations.