Continuing the usual violation against Egyptian students, Fayoum prosecution decided to renew the imprisonment for Sebaq Sayem Ahmad and Aly Hassan Abdul Fattah, the students in the faculty of engineering, Fayoum University, for days due to investigation in case number 28732. Sebaq ws arrested from the street, in front of the syndicate of engineers,on the 10/8/2015 and he was disappeared for 6 days. Aly was arrested from on the 13/8/2015 and he was disappeared for 3 days until they showed up in the prosecution that accused them of many things such as demonstrating without a permission on 14/8/2015.
Worth mentioning that arresting the students and disappearing them violated international and local laws specially article 54 that guarantees the personal freedom, except for catching someone doing a criminal action and that guarantees exposing the detainee to the prosecution in 24 hours and informing his family where he is immediately after arresting him/her.