As a continue to the enforced disappearance policy followed by the Egyptian national security
against the Egyptian college students: The Security Forces broke down the student Abdulhaleem
Mohammad Elmenshawy’s house in Thursday, 10-9-2015. After that, they led him to unknown place
neither for his family nor his lawyer until the moment.
The student’s detention came as a violation of the current Egyptian constitution, especially, the
subject number 54 which states that “Freedom is a lersonal right, it is preserved vannot be touched.
Unless, under the case of flagrante: No one should be arrested, restricted, inspected or deprived of
his liberty. Only after a caused judicial order, which requires investigations. And, whoever gets
arrested, should be informed of the reasons behind his detention, informed of his rights, written. And,
should be enabled to contact either his family or his lawyer and should be exposed to the
investigations’ authority within 24 hours from the moment of his detention.”