The Student “Anas Mustafa Mursi” 1st year Mechanical Engineering student at Tanta University, started a hunger strike since more than 75 days, as a protest of the bad treatment against detainee rights,and a way to gain his rights back and demand it , even if he is imprisoned.
It is worth mentioning that the student had been arrested arbitrarily against the law from a police ambush on the road to Behira, on 04.07.2014, where he was presented before the public prosecutor whom charged him with joining an outlawed group and disturbing the public order and security, to be detained currently in Wadi Natrun prison.
What the student endured of several violations that made him compelled to resort to a strike , these violations and bad treatment came contrary to all local and global laws , also came a violation of texts of the current Constitution of the Arab Republic of Egypt stating in article “55” that Every person who is either arrested, detained, or his freedom is restricted shall be treated in a manner that maintains his dignity. He/she may not be tortured, intimidated, coerced, or physically or morally harmed; and may not be seized or detained except in places designated for that purpose, which shall be adequate on human and health levels. The State shall cater for the needs of people with disability. Violating any of the aforementioned is a crime punished by Law. An accused has the right to remain silent. Every statement proved to be made by a detainee under any of the foregoing actions, or threat thereof, shall be disregarded and not be relied upon.”