Ruled on behalf of the Department of Matariya on Saturday 11/28/2015 the release of the brothers, “Abdel-Rahman Abdel-Rahim,” first year student at the Faculty of Law, Cairo University, and “Mustafa Abdel-Rahim,” third year student at the Faculty of Computer and Information Sciences, Ain Shams University, and that at the disposal of the case by the defendants.
It is noteworthy that the security forces had arrested them on Tuesday, 08.25.2015 arbitrarily illegally without a permit, and then detained them in Matariyah Police Department at dawn on Wednesday, 08.26.2015, According to the response with the students that they were in the Department of Matariyah on Tuesday ,Wednesday and Thursday morning, then were taken without the knowledge of their parents to an unknown place, to remain under the forced disappearance for 44 days enforced disappearance.
Even their first appearance for them on Friday, 09/10/2015, has turned out that they were at the headquarters of the State Security Investigation to “Lazoughly” where they were tortured severely to confess to charges which has no real evidence that they committed them, were on behalf of Fifth Avenue on Thursday, 10/15/2015, to imprison them 15 days pending investigations, was renewal for them again by on behalf of Fifth Avenue on Tuesday, 03.11.2015 against them of several charges, notably: belonging to Muslims brotherhood and the financing of the demonstrations, ruled on behalf of the Department of Matriyah last Saturday their release pending case, was being released on Monday, after midnight.