Enforced disappearance of a student at Ain Shams University for almost 4 months comes contrary to the current constitution which mentions that : “Whoever gets arrested should be directly informed of the reasons behind his detention, should get informed of his rights: written, should be enabled to contact either his family or his lawyer and should be introduced to the investigation authority within 24 hours from the moment of his detention.” This is what the subject number 54 from the current constitution stated, which preserves the Egyptian citizens’ life and freedom, yet, it stays a written agreements that don’t apply in reality as the security forces keep hiding the student “Ibrahim Amer Shehata’, who is enrolled in the faculty of Arts, Ain Shams University for 5 months in a row..
It was mentioned that the student was arbitrarily detained on Wednesdays, 22-7-2015, to lead him to an unknown place neither for his family nor his lawyer until the moment. He completed his 52nd day under the enforced disappearance.
What the student experienced of arbitrarily detention followed by enforced disappearance came as a violation of all the law and the international and universal charts, not only, but the laws inside Egypt as well, especially what the subject number 54 stated that the arbitrary detention is a crime unless under the case of flagrante or a caused judicial order which requires detention.
Enforced disappearance is a crime which requires punishment, especially what came in the International Convention for protecting every person from the enforced disappearance which stated in its first subject that “Invocation is forbidden under any circumstances , whether it was related to a case of war, threatening of a war outbreak, absence of inner and political settlement or any case that justifies the enforced disappearance.”
We Freedom Seekers Monitor, in our turn condemn the the student’s detention for this long period, which is considered as a violation of all the international charts and the student’s preserved rights. We put the responsibility of the student’s safety and security in the hands of the Egyptian authorities. We also call for revealing the student’s place fast.