The resumption court  Souhag decided to set free Mohammad El Sayed Abdul Motagaly, the student in the first year, faculty of agriculture, Souhag University

with a fine 5000. The decision was taken on 29th Jan 2015.


Worth mentioning that the student was arrested arbitrarily and illegally on Saturday 6th Dec 2014, that was after attacking one of the student hostels. The student was investigated, arrested and accused with many charges such as belonging to an illegal group and illegal demonstrating.


He was detained in central security campus in Souhag. He was prevented from attending one of the exams of the first term. That was due to the conflict between the time of his exam and the time of the investigation with the prosecution.

As a result of the faculty’s intransigence, they deprived the student from his right to specify another date for taking the exam in that subject.