Origin trio faces nervous wait

Two other key leaders are also in the mix to run for the same seat in the upcoming election.

The Queensland Senator has always played down the significance of the Gonski education funding deal, saying it was “just a big deal”.

“I’m not going to get involved in it like that,” he told 3AW.

“If we’re getting funding for education for all school kids then it’s going to look pretty good for us.”

In February, when asked about a possible Senate challenge to the Government’s education package, Mr Shorten indicated he would be involved in debates about it.

That pledge now seems all but non-existent as Labor has just four MPs prepared to enter the Senate, meaning the position of party leader is very much in jeopardy.

One-on-one debate

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten’s main opposition, Malcolm Turnbull, and other Nationals are also preparing to go head to head over the education funding deal.

The Prime Minister also remains in Queensland as h더킹카지노e and his team prepare to travel to Adelaide to debate the school funding deal with the Opposition Leader’s team on Friday.

The timing of that meeting has made for some tense moments between Opposition Leader Bill Shorten and Mr Turnbull, with Mr Shorten and Mr Turnbull reportedly facing off over the plan to fund some schools while opposing 바카라another.

ABC political correspondent Peter Holland says some Nationals appear to be planning a public one-on-one showdown.

“Both of them are probably going to ask, should we actually keep what we have for next year?” he says.

“It’s been quite a hot topic for all 더킹카지노the Opposition in Queensland about the direction the Turnbull Government has taken so it’s been quite a distraction for Labor’s leaders.”

Sorry, this video has expired Video: Opposition party leader Bill Shorten: I want to debate the Government on education (7pm TV News QLD)

The Prime Minister and Treasurer Scott Morrison have now publicly confirmed that the Government is seeking to cut $17 billion from the school sector in the next six months by axing the Gonski school funding package.

That budget was introduced by the Coalition and then voted into law by the Abbott Government.

But Mr Morrison said he was backing the package in principle and that he had told Mr Abbott that he thought the Coalition was “on the right path to pay for new schools.”

“I’ve backed this budget and we’ll look at th