Ruled on behalf Qusiya court yesterday Saturday, 28/03/2015, to imprison the following students:
1. Mohammed Imaddin – student at the third grade Secondary school , and who was arrested on Sunday, February 1, 2015.
2. Mohammed Ahmed – third secondary grade student, who was arrested on Thursday, January 29, 2015.
3. Abdul Rahman Khalaf – 1st year student at Faculty of Sharia law Al-Azhar University, Assiut branch, who was arrested on Saturday, January 31, 2015.
4. Ahmed Farooq – a graduate at Faculty of Law in 2014, and who was arrested on Saturday, January 31, 2015.
to remain them in custody for a period of fifteen days pending investigations.
As had been reported to us that the students were exposed to series of systematic torture in Qusiya Police Department, were they were beaten, tortured, and electrocuted, which is against the law which states that “is not permitted to any detainee to be exposed to torture or abuse which degrade his dignity, they were tutored so they will be forced to confess on charges they did not commit which was: burning cars in front of Qusiya City Council, and the public prosecutor refused to take in consideration the fact that the students were tortured and didn’t agree to sent them to medical help in spite of the emergence of the effects of torture which was clear on them during their Presentation .