Security forces continue to hide, “Muhannad Amara “, fourth year student at the Institute 10th of Rhmadan at the Department of Civil Engineering for almost a month.
Security forces continue to hide, “Muhannad Amara “, fourth year student at the Institute 10th of Rhmadan at the Department of Civil Engineering for almost a month.
- Security forces in Mansoura on Wednesday 28/10/2015 arrested both”Ammar Yasser Shabaneh” student at the Faculty of Commerce, Sallab Academy , and “Omar Abdel Hafez Alpedroaa”
Mansoura prosecutor decided yesterday Wednesday , 28.10.2015 the imprisonment of “Ahmed Saeed Fouda,” third year student at the Faculty of Medicine, Mansoura University, for a period
The Military Criminal Court made a decision on Monday , 26/10/2015 to postpone the trial of each; Anas Ibrahim Sabaq, the student at the fourth stage
Supreme State Security Prosecution Ruled on Saturday 24/10/2015 the imprisonment Renewal for 15 days pending investigations against “Esraa Eltaweel ” second year student at the Faculty of
A continuation of the repressive policy by the security services of the Egyptian authorities against the current university students, security forces continue to hide , “Omar Moussa”
Security forces on Monday at dawn, 19/10/2015 arrested ” El-sayed Mohamed Awad Mustafa” 5th year student at the Faculty of Medicine of Al-Azhar University arbitrarily without permission
Ruled on behalf of Aga public court on Saturday , 17.10.2015 the imprisonment renewal of “Jihad al-Din Muhammad,” a student at the Faculty of Nursing –
- Cairo Criminal Court ruled on Saturday, 10/17/2015, to postpone the trial of”Ibrahim al-Azab”, a graduate of the Faculty of Pharmacy – Mansoura University, to Monday,