A continuation of a series of violations from universities and mentioning here Alexandria University, where the university refrain from providing committees exams for three students and they are:
1-Essam Abdullah Fathallah, second year student at the Faculty of Physical Education, and detained since Friday morning on March 13, 2015 and accused of joining a terrorist cell, where he is currently detained “Burj Al Arab” prison.
2-Yousef Siraj, 2nd year student at Veterinary Medicine, and detainee since January 25, 2015, and accused of possessing bottles of “Molotov”, where he is currently detained at “Al-abadiyah ” Damanhour prison.
3-AbdlRahman Harb , 2nd year student at Faculty of Agriculture, detained since October 14, 2014, and is accused of killing the student, “Omar Sharif” 13 others in what is known as “Engineering Case “, where he is currently detained in “Burj Al Arab” prison

Furthermore, this intransigence of the university administration to allow students to perform examinations is contrary to the provisions of Article “31”  which says “the prison administration to encourage prisoners to access education and to facilitate the prisoners who have a desire to continue their study and to allow them to perform exams in their headquarters or prison.