As a continuing to the violations’ series committed by the current system regarding the Egyptian

college students; security forces keep hiding the place of ‘Ahmad Elrefaei Ahmad Elfeqi’, the student

at Faculty of Information and Technology at Ain Shams University for the 39 straight day.

Security Forces broke down his flat, where he used to live with his friends and arrested him in a way

that violates law on Saturday 11/7/2015. His place is not known until the moment, even for his family.

The student’s family has taken all the necessary proceedings and submitted many reports to the

Police Head, in addition, they search for him in each police station, but all in vain.

This came as a violation of the current Egyptian constitution and what the subject 54 states that

“Freedom is a normal right and it is preserved cannot be touched, unless under the case of flagrante.

No one should be arrested, inspected, restricted or deprived from his liberty, unless by a casued

judgmental order which requires investigations. Whoever is restricted should be informed of the

reasons for his detention. He has the right to call his family and his lawyer and should be investigated

within 24 hours. He should not be investigated unless in the presence of his lawyer. In case he has no

lawyer, a lawyer should be commissioned to him.”

As a result, we Freedom Seekers Monitor repeat our call to the security and judgmental foundations

for the necessity of revealing the student’s place and introducing him to legal trials or to instantly

release him. We put the complete responsibility of his safety and health in the hands of tbe security

forces, as there are some news that he is being tortured to give informations and to admit some

accusations under threatening.