Oppositions Zagazig Court judge decided on Sunday 10/11/2015 to reject the appeal submitted by the defense of “Sarah Meshaal,” second year student at the Faculty of Arts – Department of Media, Zagazig University, and continue her imprisonment for 15 days pending investigations.

Its Worth Mentioning that the student was arrested after refusing to reveal her face, and claim inspected by a female administrative security university,and it was ordered on behalf of a second Zagazig on Thursday, 07.10.2015 the imprisonment of “Sarah Meshaal,” 2nd year student at the Faculty of Arts – Zagazig University department, for a period of 15 pending investigations.

The student  arrest came arbitrarily without permission or a court order, on Wednesday morning 10/7/2015 after refusing to uncover her face in front of security personnel management at the gate of the university and who had tried to search her by force and to remove the cover from her face, and when the student demanded inspected by a female administrative security, the security personnel administrative handed her over to one of the security forces, armored vehicles, and then was escorted to the headquarters of the second section in zagazig, where she was presented today to the public prosecutor who charged her with possession of publications, to issue a decision to arrest her up on pending investigations, where she are currently being detained at the headquarters of “second zagazig ” section.
It should be noted that what has happened to the student from arbitrary arrest and assault on the freedom of thought, conscience, was contrary not only to the laws of the Egyptian interior but also to all international conventions and treaties, especially the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which Egypt has ratified it, where the text of the Declaration in its 9th article: “No person may be arrested , detention or exile arbitrarily,” ensured the Declaration in its Article No. (18) freedom of religion and belief and the establishment of various rites with committing the state and society to respect those thoughts and even taken into account and not intransigence with anyone, according to creed or doctrine, and the Egyptian Constitution confirmed in its article number (54) on the inadmissibility of the arrest and arbitrarily arrest without permission or a court order reasoned required by the investigation, as provided for in Article (64) thereof that “freedom of belief is absolute, and the freedom of religious practice and the establishment of houses of worship to the owners of religions is a right, regulated by law, which is the administrative security for the University of Zagazig in addition to the security forces, ignoring and even blatantly violated.

According to the student’s family, the student was not in possession of any publications or papers that violate the University regulations , where confirmed that they surprised her with the publications which claimed by the prosecutors that it was with the student.

so we Observatory of “freedom seekers” strongly condemn what has happened to the student from arbitrary arrest without a permit or a court order, as the student arrest was based on the origin of being fully covered; and her appearance and the exercise of the rituals of her faith as an “offense arrest, despite the fact that freedom of thought, conscience right guaranteed to the Egyptian constitution and international conventions, For our part, we call on the relevant authorities to investigate the student right, and the evacuation of the process immediately as long as not substantiated irrefutable committed offense for detention.