Egyptian authorities did not only kill citizens while breaking “Rabi’a” and “Nahda” sit-in for the supporters of the former president “Mohamed Morsy” by force and killing hundreds, but rolled events on the same approach and pace, where we witnessed on Sunday 18/8/2013 after the break with Four days a new crime against dozens of detainees inside the deportations car and that while being transported from Nasr city in Cairo to Abu Zaabal military prison, which claimed the lives of thirty-seven prisoners who were backed up and the cause of choking “CS”, one of the tear gas, and the victims were arrested randomly during the break up of the sit-in by force As usual, the students shared this crime.
So it came under the framework of murder by negligence and dumping human life to violate so clearly what was mentioned in the text of the article “55” of the current Constitution of the Arab Republic of Egypt that “All who are arrested, or imprisoned, or restrict from his freedom must be treated in a manner that preserves his dignity and may not be tortured, not intimidating, not compelled, not physically or morally harmed, shall not be detained, or imprisoned except in designated places and decent human health. ”
And it shall be noted that these numbers are only what we were able to monitor during this period that passed discreetly in media and government clearly made it difficult to monitor the real numbers and to process it to human rights organizations and according to what we could document were three students of the university whom are:
1. Ali Mehani Ali Abo Khdeir, second year student at the Faculty of Medicine – Al-Azhar University Cairo branch.
2-Mohammed Hassan El-sayed Ahmed ( Known as Muhammad al-Banna), 2013 batch Faculty of Arabic Language – Al-Azhar University, Mansoura branch.
3. Safwat Ahmed Abdullah Abdul Qadir, third year student at the Faculty of Dar Al Uloom-Minya University.