The security forces keep hiding the student Saad Mohammad Rabea, who is enrolled in the second
year of Commerce, Helwan University—since 26th of last August, after he was arbitrarily detained
without a declaration or a former caused judicial ordero. Nonetheless, they led him to an unknown
place neither for his family nor his lawyer and refuse to reveal any information about the student’s
place for the 26th straight day.
The student’s unjustified hidinag came as a violation of the current Egyptian constitution and what the
subject 54 states that “Freedom is a normal right and it is preserved cannot be touched, unless under
the case of flagrante. No one should be arrested, inspected, restricted or deprived from his liberty,
unless by a casued judgmental order which requires investigations. Whoever is restricted should be
informed of the reasons for his detention. He has the right to call his family and his lawyer and should
be investigated within 24 hours. He should not be investigated unless in the presence of his lawyer. In
case he has no lawyer, a lawyer should be commissioned to him.”