Arbitrary detentions and military trials followed by void sentences against all laws, as a continuity to all these violations, the military judgement in Assuit decided today Tuesday 31/3/2015 to imprison Ahmad Ashraf Kamel, the student in the third year, faculty of science, Assuit University in case number 35 for 2015 for 7 years.
Worth mentioning that the student was illegally and arbitrarily arrested on the 10/12/2014 from the University when the University security members “ Falcon” detained him at one of the rooms then they handed him to security forces to meet the prosecution that accused him of demonstrating without a permission, belonging to a banned group, ruining the University’s front gate and cutting through Assuit road on case number 7849 for 2014 that he was referred accordingly to a military court.
That was violating the 10 article in the Universal declaration of human rights that states: Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal, in the determination of his rights and obligations and of any criminal charge against him. but these trials are absolutely violating such rights plus they contain violation against human rights such as freedom of speech and opinion ebmracing freedom.