Cairo Criminal Court held fifth Avenue ruled on Tuesday 08/11/2015 the release of “Moatasem El-ashry ,” second year student at the Faculty of Business Administration Misr University for Science and Technology, on bail amounted of five thousand pounds.

It is noteworthy that the security forces had arrested the student arbitrarily on 01/22/2015, which is contrary to Article No. (54) in the current Constitution, which stipulates that “Personal freedom is a natural right, which shall not be touched, except in the case of flagrant derelict, no one may be arrested , or patted down, or imprisoned, or freedom restricted except by a causal judicial warrant required by the investigation. ”
The General Prosecutor’s Office, accusd the student of several charges, including: demonstrate without a license, and joining an outlawed group, cracking a bus, then decided to imprison him , where he was held in Abu Zaabal prison, and continued renewal for him until the court issued on Tuesday an order for his release on 5,000 pounds bail