The personal freedom is a normal right and it is preserved cannot be touched except under the case of flagrante, no one should get arrested,
The personal freedom is a normal right and it is preserved cannot be touched except under the case of flagrante, no one should get arrested,
- The last school year witnessed numerous violations of the right of students in Egyptian universities and institutes, violations was not only limited to the
- The fourteenth of August 2013 was not only the day which witnessed killings outside the law by Egyptian security forces against the students, in
- A continuation of the security forces and its policy against Egyptian university students and institutes, security forces on Wednesday 07/29/2015 Kidnapped “Mohammed Bakri Ahmed,” the
Under the umbrella of the complete absence of justice and the violations of all the laws, the Altagamou Alkhames police department decided -on Thursday 15/8/2015-
The misdemeanor court decided to postpone the trial of Abdul Rahman Fawzy El Shereef, the student in the third year, faculty of Law, Menoufeia University
The Misdemeanor Court of Suez refused a case reconsideration request regarding the arbitration against him with three years imprisonment and a 5 hundred pounds fine.
/Zagazig military court decided to delay the trial of Mohammad Sameer Mohammad, student at the second year, faculty of medicine, Zagazig University, to the 19/8/2015
A new violation against Egyptian students, Mohammad El Sayed Abdul Maqsoud, the student in the fourth year, faculty of engineering, Zagazig University was arrested on