“Mustafa Saad Mustafa Elqasas” a 21-year-old second year student at the Institute of Computer and Information Sciences – University of Tanta from the village of Mlij –
“Mustafa Saad Mustafa Elqasas” a 21-year-old second year student at the Institute of Computer and Information Sciences – University of Tanta from the village of Mlij –
Enforced disappearance of a student at Ain Shams University for almost 4 months comes contrary to the current constitution which mentions that : “Whoever gets arrested should
Continuation of a series of repressive measures adopted by the security services by the current regime against the students of the Egyptian authorities, security forces continue to hide
Department of Public Prosecutions ruled first on Monday 11/30/2015 the renewal of custody for “Mahmoud Domiaty” third year student at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Al-Azhar
Military Court ruled in Aswan on Monday 11/30/2015 on “Mahmoud Mohamed Dora”4th year student at the Faculty of Aswan University Social Work , to a military
Damanhour court ruled on Saturday 21/11/2015 the release of “Ahmed Mohammed Amer” first year student at the Faculty of Sharia and Law at the University
The Criminal Court, held at the Institute of Trustees of the police to postpone the consideration of the case number 1700 2014 Supreme State Security
“Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms, without any discrimination,” and “Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person”, thus
The student “Fuad Ismail Zaghloul” A Faculty of Agriculture – Tanta University student is scheduled to have his first Military trial sessions on Friday, 01/01/2016, after being